Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This and That

Haven't written in a while so....

John Spencer is again having back surgery. Seems like his surgeon is using him for target practice or something, since this will be his third operation in about 6 months, all in an effort to correct John's lumbar problems. Please keep John in your thoughts and prayers, especially next Wednesday, March 19, that this operation is successful in freeing John from pain, and that everything goes without a hitch.

I recently received word of the passing of Jim Kay's mom, Catherine, on January 25; she was 97 years old. Isn't that incredible?! Got me wondering if any of the other class of '57 parents are still alive. If you have any info about this, please let me know; contact John, Norma, Wayne or me via e-mail, so we can pass the word along to others.

Along those lines, if there is anything you'd like to see in this "blog-letter" (for lack of a better description), please let us know. We're flying blind as far as format, content, whatever, so we can use all the help you're willing to offer. Let us hear from you, because this blog-letter belongs to all of us.

Lastly, again, please remember John Spencer in your thoughts and prayers, that his back may be cured once and for all, that he comes thru this 3rd operation with flying colors, and that he's back to normal in no time at all.

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