Sunday, March 15, 2015

Update on John

My last report on John had him awaiting transfer back to the rehab hospital. Well, that's been accomplished and he's having some 3 hours + of therapy per day. The staph infection is "gone", tho he will remain on antibiotics for the foreseeable future. The doctors anticipate a stay of at least 5 more weeks in rehab at which time he'll be reevaluated and a decision about future therapy will be reached.

As of now, John has left-sided deficits, mostly in his leg, tho his body seems to be responding well to the intense therapy. His right side (leg, mostly) has some weakness but is also responding well to the PT.

I spoke with him yesterday; his spirits are high, and he's thrilled with the messages he has received from our classmates. So please continue to send e-mails and/or cards --- and please continue praying for him; as Ann says "we believe in the power of prayer, so keep them coming".

I'll try to keep you informed, but if you have any questions or comments, please let me know.

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