Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Gordon Rondeau Update

When we last heard, Gordon was still in ICU. But that was about 3 weeks ago, so here's an update, from Gordon and Allene.........

"Date: Sunday, July 22, 2012, 10:53 PM
Phase one came to a close. Have Gordon with me at farm tonite. Leaving Wis for home Monday with a whole lot of medicine. 2 to keep bugs gone, 2 to keep heart beating, and 9 more for keeping lungs clear .... urine flowing, etc. He is to get with his Heart doc, urinalist doc etc upon returning home.
Pray for a safe travel home and the begining of Phase 2.
P.S. by the way 10 pills were ONLY $370.00 our cost, not $900. What a deal.
THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL YOUR CONCERNS AND PRAYERS. Lv Your friend, family member, mom, nanie"

"Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2012 1:18:30 AM
Week one of Phase II, Arrived home (ILL) Monday nite around 5p. Have see 3 doctors so far. Alot of good news and some uncertainty.
Went to foot doctor Tuesday to see about right foot which he had been treating before incident. It seems to be coming along. To continue his exercise and keep elevated. Later hosp for a blood draw. Coumadin level good @ 2.4 and white count still high @ 13,000-
Wed lead us to Dr. Weinstein, heart doc. He believed Gordon did not have a full blown heart attack, only stress type which in time values may heal on their own. ( Hope so, no one wants to under go a operation ) He will have a EGO and stress test later beginning in August, this will tell the tell.
Thursday found us in Dr Rao's office. He also agreed with Dr Weinstein about heart condition.
He ran urine test on him. Germs seen to be gone but there is a slight sign of blood in urine due to many healing bruises. This too will subside. Rao believes it all started with mild enlarged prostrate which brought on urinal tract infection and dehydration due to fever and sweat attack. This caused a stress on heart. No drought we could have lost him, but he had an angle on his shoulder.!!!!
Friday back to hosp for another blood drawl then back to Dr Rao in afternoon for results.
Urine still showed signs of blood and count was down to 11,000- but his coumadin level was up to 3.3 ..... they want it to be between 2.0/2.5.. Doc wants him back in Monday. It is important to keep a watchful eye on him for another week . The germs could come back at this point any time. He is to monitor his temperature 4x a day, any sign of temp must immediately seek help.
Lv Your friend, family member: Alley/Gordon, sister/brother, mom/dad, nanie/pa"

"Message from Gordon .....
Better is the operative word. Still weak, but am quite a bit better than 3 weeks ago. I'm able to eat pretty much normal, have gained back 5 of the 10 pounds I lost. Don't want to gain any more. Am able to be up for quite a bit longer now, like 6 hours before I have to lie down for a bit, as opposed to 1 hour when they released me. The GP said he thinks my heart is recovering on it's own, but won't know for sure till I see my cardio man next week. Still have an appointment with a urologist, as they think my prostrate may have been what brought it all on. Otherwise I feel quite a bit better.
Thanks for asking"

Keep Gordon in your thoughts and prayers. Looks like they're doing a lot of good....

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