I received the following great e-mail from Dave Spero today:

"About five years back I decided after seeing the movie “The Bucket List”, to make my own “Bucket List”. Of the many things that I’ve crossed off so far, travel included, I planned and executed my dream of “Sky Diving”. I contacted Sky Dive Chicago out of Ottawa, IL. After attending “Class” to learn what I had to do, I completed two tandem jumps with an instructor performing different acrobatic rolls and flips during my descent. Finally after another class I was able to make my “Solo Jump” last August. I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane, by myself, at 14,000 feet. What an awesome feeling, free falling from that height to about 5500 feet when I pulled the rip-cord and floated to earth, landing on my feet in front of family and friends! I did all of this at the tender young age of 71! Back problems have prevented me from continuing this adventure this year."

What a great experience --- I think I'm jealous, tho too chicken to even think about trying. While it's hard to tell it's Dave, the pics give you some idea of the thrill of jumping out of a plane. And keep in mind Dave has lots more pictures and a DVD of his great adventure; contact him if you're interested.
Kudos to you, Dave, and your Bucket List. Keep us posted on what else you're up to!