Thursday, June 18, 2009

We Lost Wayne

Some 6 months after being diagnosed with small cell cancer of the lung, Wayne Malon lost his very determined and courageous battle with this evil disease. According to his wife, Pat, he passed away very peacefully in his sleep the evening of June 15.

Wayne worked harder than most everyone else in making the 50th reunion the success that it was, and he did it mostly behind the scenes. He helped locate numerous classmates; he served as liaison with our webmasters and contributed, in one way or another, most everything that's on the class web page; he helped identify the class members in the 8th grade photo, in the 50th reunion pics, in the individual grade school pictures, and in the various other pictures on the website and in this blog; he put most of these photos in proper format for posting; he scanned and prepped the issues of High Life and other documents for the web page ---- he did so much, and wanted no recognition for any of it.
Our condolences to his wife, Pat, his 2 daughters and their families and his numerous friends. Suffice it to say, he will be missed.

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