Sunday, March 2, 2014

A "Bionic Man" Update

I received the following from our own "Bionic Man", John Spencer, in mid-February:

"Well, the dates are set for my right hip replacement. I have scheduled pre-op for March 7 and surgery for March 27 at the Colorado Joint Replacement Center in Denver. If my second hip replacement goes anything like my first, I'll be doing most everything I want to within 6 weeks. When I went for my 6-week check-up for my left hip,I asked the doc when can I ski, he told me after the first of the year, which was like 9 weeks after the surgery. I went skiing the 2nd of January and really enjoyed myself and have skiied 7 days since then, and will mostly ski another 7 or 8 before surgery.

Please keep John in your thoughts and prayers as he undergoes yet another body-part replacement. If this keeps up, he'll not only feel like a 25-year old, he'll genuinely have the body of a teen-ager.