Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Naughty or Nice?

We just received the following from Jim Myhre:

"I hope all is well with you.
I thought I would let our class know what I've been doing the last few years at Christmas. I never expected to have this job, but it is great. I hope that all of you have been good!!!!!
Attached is a picture showing me in my "work" uniform. I shave off my beard Christmas Day and get a haircut and then start again in June.
Regards to all.
Jim Myhre"
Santa Jim with Mrs. Claus, Joanna

Tom Fields Has Passed Away

John just received word of the passing of Tom Fields on January 20, 2012. Tho better late than never, our deepest sympathy goes out to Tom's friends and family. And now, thanks to the efforts of Garland Edgell, we're able to add Tom's obituary to the class blog: