Thanks to a May 13, 2009, article by Catherine Leyden in the Downers Grove Reporter/Progress (sent to us by Norma Deardorff Plummer), we learned that one of our own classmates, Maureen McCollum Brdlik, started this same practice in Downers in 1993, when she first became a crossing guard at Oakwood and Prairie Avenues, near the Pierce Downer school. With time on her hands, she started smiling and waving at passing cars, and soon the drivers returned her friendly greeting. And now, after so many years, Maureen estimates about 80%-90% of drivers wave back at her. What a wonderful tradition to start --- just hope everyone pays it forward, and that it continues for many years to come.
(This photo was taken by John Cox, staff photographer for the Downers Grove Reporter/Progress; I hope there's no legal problem with reproducing it in this blog!).
As you can see, Maureen is a classmate to be envied -- she looks almost exactly the same as she did so many years ago when we strolled the halls of the high school. And there's little doubt her smiles and waves have made DG a friendlier and happier place to live. Good for you, Maureen. And, by the way, hope you can make it to the next reunion; we missed you at the big 50th!