A surprise party honoring Gordon and Allene Rudolph Rondeau on their 50th wedding anniversary was held February 10 of this year; they were married February 6, 1958.

The Hawaiian-themed gala was hosted by the Rondeau's children & grandkids. Included in the entertainment was hula lessons for all willing participants (great work, Gordon!).

Among those in attendance were Ray and Marilyn Vybiral (shown here), who traveled all the way from Wisconsin for the event. Another long-distance traveler representing the DGHS class of '57 was Bob Kostner and wife Carol who are now Razorbacks living in the state of Arkansas. Roger Compton, class of '57, and his long-time companion, Dru Ingram, were short-distance travelers, coming from the DG area to the party.
Our warmest congratualtions to Allene and Gordon as they embark upon another 50 years of wedded bliss.